I didn't expect it to take this long, but I finally have some photographic evidence from my rendevous to the the Midwest. Enjoy!

Mr. Party Lion, partying with a well mustached Lampi

Full Tigger outfit, found at a garage sale, and later worn by our starting pitcher for our afternoon games.

A friend, dressed as the Gingerbread Man for the Truman parade. Maybe my favorite picture of the entire trip. He was hit by a truck soon after this picture. Of course, it was only traveling at 5 mph, but it was funny all the same.

Princess Fiona being attacked by Captain Jack Sparrow. She looked so beautiful, I can understand why she would be targeted by such a bloodthirsty pirate.

The emergence of Beltran. So beautiful, yet so dangerous.

Turning our attention to the union of Pooch and Courtney now, we can see the appearance of Guy Sampson's long lost cousin, the Packer superfan himself, Ronald Sampson!

Ronald Sampson, later making it rain, with a collection of napkins, on the dancefloor.

Beltran's back! With high kicks and a new haircut. Nice dye job, Beltran.

A blurry picture of The Wetsuit. He was quite elusive throughout the night, consumed with avoiding Land Shark attacks and encouraging beer drinking.

A collective group of friends, singing the Ghostbuster's theme song at the post-reception Karoake session.
There are many more pictures that I could post and caption throughout the day, however they would only be amusing to myself. A personal appearance by Beltran or Ronald Sampson could be arranged for a hefty fee. Please post a comment to this post in order to express interest.
-More to come...
where is 'Girl With Christmas Tree' from the HC archives?