I had an audition on Saturday morning for a part in an educational video that will be used in San Diego schools. I went out on Friday but refrained from drinking excessively so that I would be somewhat fresh for the audition. While I wasn't excessively hungover, I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep and showed up with red eyes and breath that could have melted plastic. Living life in the unemployment line has afforded me the luxury of receiving ample amounts of sleep each night. When I sleep for less hours than I've become accustomed to, I am consistently on the verge of either ripping someone's face off or nodding off while walking.
Needless to say, I was not extremely confident when walking into the audition. I met with two guys that gave me a script and a couple of minutes to look it over. The part I was reading for was a character called E-3. E-3 is a superhero that goes around San Diego fighting waste and spreading the good word of conservation. There is a giant supercomputer that alerts a team of children of homes or building that are wasting water or energy. The children notify E-3, who heads to the location to turn off water taps and light fixtures.
While E-3 is fighting this battle, he also has to watch out for his arch nemesis. I've forgotten what his name is exactly, but I think it's something like Waste-tron. E-3 and his nemesis fight it out in several battles throughout the storyline.

So I read through the script in front of the director and producer of the project. My voice was a couple octaves lower than usual due to my lack of sleep, which made my audition go fairly well. I felt pretty good about my chances for getting the part as I left.
I received an email yesterday, notifying me that they had chosen me to play the role. I got a gig! I was feeling pretty good about myself. Within the email, they also asked if I could send them my measurements. I sent along a few and asked whether they needed any additional ones. They responded, saying that they needed as many measurements as possible because I was going to be wearing a full body, spandex suit.
So I received the part of a superhero, clothed in spandex, who educates first graders about conservation. I'm on my way! I'm actually really excited about the project. I can't wait to get the final version so that I can show it to my friends while we are drunk on the weekends. This may be the funniest thing that has ever happened to me. I'm going to ask whether I can keep the outfit after I'm done, and then use it for spandex bar crawls around PB. It's going to be amazing.

I am E-3; Defender of Nature.
-More to come.
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